It feels like the world is in a conspiracy.
I again for some thought do not know who my real friends are, who they could be, and why they just don't seem so.
I don't know why friends should be called friends when they just disappear at times you need them, dump you after they used you, leave you hanging without a clue. I don't know how friends can take that but hell, I'm too tired of listening to others without anyone listening to me. I'm tired of attitudes, egos, pride. I wanna vomit all the lies they have to make just not to make it look bad but still I know what a lie it was and how awful they really are. I'm sick of self-appraisal, false cares, irrational thinking, superrational thinking, indestructible worldviews, closed-mindedness.
[My. Shut the mouths of those nerds! Irritating.]
I wouldn't want to care anymore.
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