No. No way.
Okay. Okay. Here's the news.
Last Wednesday was no April Fool's Day for me. I was scolded by my father for reportedly consuming up my 3000 peso allowance that was given just last last week. Yes, I admit I've been spending too much (on Dairy Queen Blizzards) and I swear I will really put more money in my teddy bear coin bank everyday! Promise!
Last Thursday, we - the First Floor Boys of Kalayaan Residence Hall (actually just a few of us) - went to Antipolo to have an overnight stay/swimming. Of course, I wouldn't be there if I have told my parents about it. XD It was a very nice place, perhaps somewhere in upland Sumulong or so. You can actually see the whole Metro Manila by night, with the beautiful skyline. It's daylight view wasn't that adorable though. Nevertheless, I had a good swim, or should I say wetting? Haha. [I just don't know how to swim. And that's bad for lurking in the pool for long.]
Yesterday, Saturday, my roommate finally left. The night before Jervis and I were actually ranting about or somewhat dysfunctional roommates (of course, the friendship and all are not in them, for some sad reason) and now I'll just sleep alone (though he goes back to the room at around 3 in the morning for his sleep) and I don't think if I'd be happy with that.
Today, [it is still two in the morning here.] I'll be having very light meals (hello there, noodles) so that I can show my Mom some money when she arrives this Monday.
This Monday, my mother will arrive here so that I could have a companion in Pasig this Holy Week for me. That's great news for me. She's gonna bring my ever-wanted N79 that they had bought in Davao City (and refused to mail here). Of course, she's gonna be my financer for the summer (a big yey for me!) and, yes, I will finally have someone to wash my clothes while I'm staying in that Pasig village. :D
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