I know it's wrong, and I just can't get over it. Okay. It was just that I subscribed to the Unlitxt promo and I have no one else to text but that person. That wouldn't be wrong. It's just so damn odd that I could easily say what I feel and what I want and everything's just so real. I mean, that barrier's missing. Nothing is holding me back. What's worse, whenever I get idle, I want that person to send me a message. What the.
Okay. This just feels so wrong. Just so wrong.
Earlier I have posted about Sean's message and what's going to happen that next day, which was last Friday.
I just don't want to teach kids anymore. She was a five-year-old (and he told me she was six!) but it didn't make things better. I hated kids ever since I stepped into Pasig and met my indirect cousins. And that Friday night, they all expected me to change the world. I'm not perfect. I can't teach a five-year-old Korean girl named Da Min to learn how to read and write in English, especially that she always admits she doesn't want to learn.
"I don't want to write my name. It's tiring!" she said. I could have had punched her, but I just said, "Why? You're going to write your name forever!"
Okay. Maybe not forever at all. But hell. What would she do then? She now lives in a county where everyone is expected to be efficient in articulating a foreign language (which is English) and all that English stuff. We were supposed to be best in English. Well, that sounds just like a five-star kindergarten award.
It's just so saddening that I met that girl. She doesn't want to learn. When in the world had there been a moment that I don't want to learn? (Well, maybe a bit of hardcore math and science I wanted to forget at all, but it's not that.) It's so sad that kids nowadays (but even before) just don't want to study at all. Fine. Then don't. Just look at where we'll pick you up. Yeah, sure. Maybe she could turn up into (what was the name of Apple's owner again?) Apple's owner's story, but that would be less likely. Not everyone is destined to be Bill Gates, Henry Sy, or Fernando Zobel de Ayala. But you could always try you chance on being another Angel Locsin or Marian Rivera or, say, Pokwang on television.
What I'm saying is, why can't she just live her life and look forward and dream. She's currently chasing herself in circles, like a snake chasing it's tail which gave birth to the supposed discovery of the benzene ring.
Maybe it's just the heat of the summer sun, but I am totally loveless. Yeah, I know it's somewhat normal when it's me but I don't like the thought of staying single (and a virgin. Haha! I told Elmer about that yesterday and it was blown away.) and without someone to be with.
What I'm saying is that I want a girl friend and a best friend, as soon as I can. Well, I just want to live my life the way I want it to be. And I want it with a girl and a companion. Okay?
Fudge. This is so getting into me.
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